Although there has been progress in the last decades on the front of SDG 05, gender equality, and women’s rights, significant challenges remain and have even been exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic. Below are some facts reflecting the size of problem we face worldwide according to UN Women:

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And the list unfortunately goes on.

Educating women is not only a fair thing to do but according to top consulting firms, the UN Global Compact and World Economic Forum it is good for the economy, communities and business. A recent study shows that investing $1 in girls’ education in developing countries would yield $2.8 for the economy, in addition entering the workforce women can escape domestic violence.

Even though it is proven that women can play key role in peace building, sustainable development and economic prosperity, their representation in workforce and management roles is still staggeringly low.

On the other hand, it is estimated that equal representation in the workforce would add $28 trillion GDP to the global economy by 2025. Women-led businesses financially outperform male dominated businesses, since “Women also more frequently apply three of the four types of behavior—intellectual stimulation, inspiration, and participative decision making—that most effectively address the global challenges of the future.” (Mckinsey, Diversity still matters 2020) If that’s not enough argument, diverse teams have also proven to be more innovative, anticipate consumer trends better and form stronger team cohesion, thus perform better.

So, could having more women in decision making roles be a solution for a just recovery from current crisis? Well the answer is obvious.

What can your company do to advance SDG 05, gender equality?

At last, browse through our Collective and find human rights and D&I experts from all over the world and book an initial conversations to help you with your specific need, like policy drafting, trainings and target setting.

Our e-book, “5 questions you should ask within your organization to support women and gender equality”

You can also download our e-book: “5 questions you should ask within your organization to support women and gender equality”.

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